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The Taragot (or Taragato): a woodwind instrument in Bb with a conical form similar to soprano saxophone.  The instrument probably originated in Turkey, and was played with a double reed. Around 1890, the instrument maker Schunda of Budapest invented the Taragot in its present-day form - now with a clarinet-like mouthpiece and a key mechanism with characteristics of the oboe and the German clarinet . In contrast to the clarinet,  the Taragot overblows to the octave (like the oboe and the saxophone). Today, the taragot is mainly used in Hungarian and Rumanian traditional music. 

This instrument dates from around 1910 and was built by the Budapest firm Stohwasser. 

Special mouthpiece with wider tip opening and larger bore by Ed Pillinger.

New Tarogato built in Budapest www.tarogato.hu with automatic octave key and Boehm system

Around 1900 different sizes of Tarogatos were built by Stowasser in Budapest.

Basstarogato (by Gregus Pal, 2005)